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Why People Love Google


by hambara 2009. 11. 23. 20:44


In a word: branding. As a brand, both through their own efforts and through sheer luck,
Google has been able to position itself as the #1 online brand in the US according to Forrester Research.
Others among the top ten, including Yahoo, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft,
have generated some of the same emotional responses from their fans.

The top ten brands (note that respondents selected two from a list):
forrester brands
Since 2007, MySpace suffered a precipitous fall in brand favoritism. Yahoo and eBay also suffered.
Amazon saw sufficient growth to move from distant third to nearly tied for second;
Google grew significantly in its #1 spot. Facebook and YouTube (and what the crap, Sony?)
joined the list. Interestingly, both Microsoft and Apple saw small growth over that time.

So what qualities made these online brands stand out in respondents’ minds?
Forrester points out that we might expect attributes like prestige, popularity,
speed and “the social.” And we’d be wrong.

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